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About Us

Dhunseri Tea & Industries Limited (‘DTIL’) is engaged in manufacture and sale of tea for the last several decades.

DTIL has been expanding its Business operations and it presently has 11 Tea Estates and Tea Factories in Assam. It also has two Tea Estates in Malawi, East Africa where plantation of Tea and Macadamia are being undertaken.

The total production capacity of DTIL is about 210 lakh kg of Tea and 4.10 lakh kg of Macadamia.

DTIL is promoting its brand CHHOTE LAL which is well received by connoisseurs of high quality, full-bodied Assam tea.

Under the leadership of Mr. C. K. Dhanuka and Mr. Mrigank Dhanuka; DTIL  is one of the 10 largest Tea manufacturing companies and it is expected to become one of the largest private producers of Macadamia globally.

  • hectares under Tea
    and Macadamia plantation
  • Tea Estates in Assam, India
  • Estates in Malawi, Africa
  • Manufacturing Facilities
    in India and Africa
  • +
