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A pioneer in growing and processing tea for more than six
decades, we have 12500 hectares of tea and macadamia plantations in India and Africa.

Our Indian plantations are located in the Assam region with Eleven Tea Estates. These estates possess a cumulative production capacity of about 15 million kilogram and enjoy the advantages of being the best quality tea producing area in Assam. In Africa, our two Estates are in Malawi located in the hills of Makandi and Kawalazi having a cumulative production capacity of about 10 million kilogram of Tea and 500t of Macadamia. These regions are conducive for tea plantations because of minimal pest infestation and favourable weather for tea cultivation. Our plantations harvest the finest tea leaves to offer some of the best premium teas while African plantations also produce Macadamia which has great nutritional value.

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    Awards From
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All our cultivation practices conform to the best globally standards. We use eco-friendly practices from mapping soil nutrition, rain water harvesting to cropping patterns and integrated pest management. We continually replace old bushes with high yielding clonal varieties every year to maintain the bushes in maximum productive age group. We have achieved 100% irrigation in some of our Assam Gardens wherever required to mitigate the effect of drought along with using best agricultural and pest management methods. All our processing equipment are well maintained to enhance the quality of our teas.

Our Indian tea estates have been accredited with ISO 22000:2005 food and safety standards. The estates have also been certified by Trustea attesting that the gardens have a sustainable tea practices. We also have the honour of receiving 14 prestigious Zonal Awards and 3 All India Awards conferred by the Tea Board, Government of India for achieving highest yield per hectare of tea production and highest realisation per kg during the past 2 decades.

Our Malawi operations have been certified by Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) to manage food safety, Fairtrade to ensure fair pay and working conditions for workers and Rainforest Alliance, which aims to conserve biodiversity and implement ecologically sustainable practices.

Well manufactured fertile land, ideal climatic conditions, highly developed Agri-expertise, trained workers and experienced management aided by sophisticated processing techniques and technology, our state-of-the-art tea factories produce premium quality with strong cup and full-bodied teas with each garden having its own unique characteristics.

We are presently amongst the top ten tea manufacturers in the World.